
Showing posts from September, 2019

Google Analytics: An Essential Tool

Google Analytics: An Essential Tool " Google Analytics - Old UI" by Jason .IT is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 Being able to take the right decision at the right time always leads to great results. In this age and time it's essential for businesses to have a website. And tracking activity from these websites help business to make more informed decisions and execute the right strategy. There are multiple tools that can help you; but  Google Analytics  is the easiest way to track website traffic for beginners, and it’s absolutely FREE. This means allowing companies/entrepreneurs to understand what’s happening to their website and mobile apps. In essence the service tracks information about all the activities carried out by people in a website and summarizes the date for the website owner/analyst to figure out how to improve the website, content, experience etc. This tool also allows you to deep dive into the data and look at where the visitors came from, ...

5 Blogs Worth Following

1. DanceAfrica365 is about cultural diversity and the beauty Africa as a continent has to offer. I would love to take my daughter to Africa to experience and learn how beautiful this world and its people are; and despite how we all want to segregate each community, but essentially we are all the same. 2. We need discipline in our lives to succeed. I hope this blog is going to help me bring more discipline and routine to further excel in life. 3. Food is an essential; and one of the most satisfying things I can think of. This blog will help me to find and explore the diversity this city brings with it. 4. This blog is interesting as it will tell me about how to live a healthier lifestyle. 5. This blog will hopefully help me better manage my financials and keep me updated wit...

Saying Hola!

Welcome to my blog 'abymybaby'. This blog is about life journey with my toddler daughter. How her presence has impacted, changed our lives and how it keeps on adding such a different dimension to life which I had no idea about. Mehr, my daughter, who is 21 months calls herself 'ab'. She came up with this name from the abc alphabet song I sing to her before nap. So back to the story of eggies; the name little eggies comes from the love my daughter has for Hershey's Eggies. This is the first chocolate she was introduced to when she was a year old and instantly fell in love with it. For those who are thinking an infant/ toddler shouldn't be introduced to chocolate; we, her mom and I just wanted to introduce her to new taste and texture.  Just as they start developing their other skills eg. coordination and speech, their taste buds also develop and it's important for them to be exposed to new things.